Stimulating cleantech business from Scandinavia


Developing the clean technologies sector is a priority in Luxembourg, and the country is keen to learn from the best. Luxinnovation has set up a partnership with Cleantech Scandinavia in order to attract companies and technologies from the Nordic countries that are among the world leaders in this field.
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G-Core Labs: A Luxembourg HQ for global expansion


In 2014, G-Core Labs, a global cloud and edge leader in content delivery, hosting and security solutions for any business, decided to move its headquarters to Luxembourg. Attracted by the country’s outstanding IT infrastructure and excellent business climate, the company considers it as the perfect location for orchestrating its international expansion.
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ArcelorMittal and Ceratizit granted access to university supercomputer


The University of Luxembourg has granted two Luxembourg-based businesses, ArcelorMittal and Ceratizit, access to its high performance computer (HPC). The companies will use the HPC capacities to perform numerical analyses and deploy advanced numerical models.
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Digitisation for the benefit of businesses and citizens


Prime Minister Xavier Bettel and Deputy Prime Minister Etienne Schneider teamed up this Friday to present political guidelines for both artificial intelligence and for the ongoing digitisation of priority economic sectors.
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Two Luxembourg co-productions awarded at Cannes Film Festival


Luxembourg was well represented at this year's edition of the Cannes Film Festival with four films competing for awards. Two of them won prizes in the "Un certain regard" selection.
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Luxembourg will host the 2020 Cleantech Forum Europe


Luxembourg has been selected to host the 2020 edition of the Cleantech Forum Europe, a major international event in the field of clean technologies. The forum will provide excellent opportunities for the exchange of ideas on the latest cleantech trends with leading stakeholders from all over Europe. It will also showcase Luxembourg’s most dynamic organisations and projects in the field.
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Luxembourg launches LSA Data Center to promote access to space data


During the Space Forum 2019, Marc Serres, CEO of the Luxembourg Space Agency, announced the creation of the Luxembourg Space Agency (LSA) Data Center, to support businesses in Luxembourg with reliable, fast and intuitive access to data streams from the European Copernicus Earth Observation programme.
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Luxembourg passport the best in the world


For the second consecutive year, the Luxembourg passport has been listed as the best in the world by the Nomad Passport Index.
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United States and Luxembourg sign memorandum on space co-operation


The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the United States of America signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) that will serve to catalyze and significantly deepen cooperation between the two countries in ...
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US and Luxembourg sign space cooperation memorandum


The United States and Luxembourg have signed a memorandum of understanding aiming at strengthening the cooperation in the field of space. Both countries are at the forefront of promoting the harvesting and exploitation of space resources.
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Anisoprint: Luxembourg an ideal EU base


When Russian start-up Anisoprint decided in 2018 to bring its pioneering 3D printing technology for composite materials to the European market, Luxembourg quickly stood out as the ideal EU base. One year later, the company is in the process of moving its headquarters as well as most of its staff here. Convinced by the country’s start-up friendly environment and excellent support network, Anisoprint is also counting on a strategic research partnership to meet the requirements of large industrial clients.
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Luxembourg second best country to raise a child


Luxembourg ranks second in a study of the best countries in Europe to raise a child, and first in the sub-category "Health & Safety".
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Luxembourg most "open for business"


Luxembourg is ranked as the most open country for business in the world in the 2019 Best Countries study by U.S. News & World Report. The country is also considered as the third best country to headquarter a corporation.
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Newsletter April 2019: Minister of Finance Visit | Global Venture Summit | Ripple Research with | Autonomous Driving Crossborder Testbed | SES Constellation in MEO


Welcome to Crossroads Luxembourg – Great to have you! We had an exciting month starting with the visit of Finance Minister Pierre Gramegna to the Bay Area and new partnerships with Ripple...
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Eight Luxembourg start-ups selected for VivaTech 2019


For the second consecutive year, Luxembourg’s start-up ecosystem will be present at the international technology fair VivaTech. Eight start-ups have been invited to exhibit at the Luxembourg pavilion organised by the Chamber of Commerce, the Ministry of the Economy and Luxinnovation.
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Book of Condolence for HRH Grand-Duke Jean at the Luxembourg Consulate General in San Francisco


Following the sad passing of His Royal Highness Grand Duke Jean, the Consulate General of Luxembourg in San Francisco wishes to advise that a Book of Condolence will be opened at the Consulate General...
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Passing of H.R.H. Grand Duke Jean


It is with great sadness that the Luxembourg Trade & Investment Office shares the news of the passing of His Royal Highness Grand Duke Jean on Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at the age of 98. As Head of ...
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Minister of Finance Pierre Gramegna visit to Silicon Valley


Luxembourg’s Minister of Finance Pierre Gramegna and a high-level delegation of Luxembourg’s Fintech, Finance and Investment Fund ecosystems came to the Bay Area early April to explore new tec...
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Parkpine Capital holds Global Venture Summit in Luxembourg


The LHoFT Foundation (Luxembourg House of Fintech) and Silicon Valley based VC Parkpine Capital, have signed a deal in San Francisco to hold the Global Venture Summit (GVS) for the first time in Europ...
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Space focused Exchange Traded Fund launched in US


A space-focused ETF has been launched to offer retail investors the opportunity to invest in the space economy. The Procure Space ETF invests in the S-Network Space Index, whose 30 constituent stocks ...
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University of Luxembourg works with Ripple on micropayments system


“There’s currently no cost effective, practical way for people to pay per second to listen to music, access quality journalism or watch a film. But micropayments will allow us to pay as we con...
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4 additional O3b satellites complete SES’s first-generation MEO constellation


Four additional O3b satellites roared into space on April 4,  completing SES’s first-generation MEO (Medium Earth Orbit) constellation. Launched by Arianespace, the constellation has positively imp...
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Manga figures and technical prowess made in Luxembourg


The young Luxembourg company Tsume Art is well on the way to succeed in its mad challenge: to become one of the world leaders in the design and production of high-end statuettes and figurines inspired by the world of manga and video games.
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Luxembourg is second most productive economy


A recent study from the think tank The Conference Board ranks Luxembourg as the second most productive mature economy in the world.
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Goodyear and Luxembourg – partners in innovation


The top management of global tyre company Goodyear was in Luxembourg on 12 April 2019 for the group’s Patent Dinner 2019. Luxinnovation’s CEO Sasha Baillie was invited to give a keynote speech on the long-standing and successful innovation partnership developed between one of the largest tyre companies in the world and the dynamic host country of its only innovation centre located outside the US.
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Goodyear to invest $36 million in Luxembourg factory


Global tyre company Goodyear will invest $36 million in its production facilities in Colmar-Berg, Luxembourg. The investment aims at increasing production of off-the-road tyres and improve processes.
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Autonomous cross-border mobility tested in Schengen


Autonomous and connected driving opens up completely new perspectives for mobility of tomorrow. However, there are still hurdles to overcome, in particular for self-driving vehicles travelling in several different countries. On 3 April, top-level politicians, researchers and industry representatives gathered in Schengen to see the first live demos of autonomous cars using the digital cross-border testbed that links the three countries.
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Fit 4 Start #8 is well and truly underway


The names of the 10 start-ups that will participate in the 8th edition of Fit 4 Start are now known. 50 entrepreneurs from all over the world came to promote their project during Pitching and Graduation Day, which took place on Thursday 28 March at Kinepolis in Kirchberg.
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Luxembourg named the safest city in the world


In addition to its top ranking for personal safety, the capital overall ranks as the 18th best city in the world to live in.
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Luxembourg among top 10 European countries for 5G readiness


The country ranks 1st in the Country Profile category due to the government’s commitment to promoting ICT. It is also highly ranked for its regulations and policies needed to implement 5G networks.
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