Luxembourg’s cybersecurity agency SECURITYMADEIN.LU started a new chapter. It expanded its activities,  adopted a new name – Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity (LHC) – and inaugurated its new headquarters.

This transformation follows the appointment of the agency as National Cybersecurity Coordination Center (NCC) to represent Luxembourg within this European network.

CEO Pascal Steichen said,

A recent study shows that every 11 seconds, there is a ransomware attack. Globally, there’s an estimation that it costs the economy $20bn in one year.

Minister Fayot congratulated the Luxembourg cybersecurity ecosystem for its important contribution to support research and innovation in cybersecurity. In 2022, Luxembourg took over the presidency of the European Cyber Security Competence Centre.

Thanks to the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity, we are consolidating our local expertise and promoting our quality services within a digital and connected Europe.

The inauguration also marked the kick off Luxembourg’s annual Cybersecurity Week bringing together the international cybersecurity community.

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©SIP / Luc Deflorenne




