“Focus On AI and Big Data” livestream by Luxembourg For Finance brought together experts working at the cross section of finance and technology to detail the increasingly critical role that Big Data plays within the financial services industry, and how it is being leveraged to incorporate new AI technology into day-to-day operations.

From chat-bots to decision-support systems powered by AI to develop long-term company strategy.

Dr. Andreas Braun from PwC Luxembourg opened the livestream providing a high-level overview on various aspects relating to AI and the status within financial services; from chat-bots already in use for client engagement, to decision-support systems powered by AI to develop long-term company strategy. Frédéric Moioli from Lingua Custodia detailed Natural Language Processing and how it allows financial services firms to process significant amounts of data, often non-financial, in real time, and be more proactive for their clients.

Anne Goujon from BGL BNP Paribas and Ananda Kautz from the ABBL explored in what way AI is transforming the field of anti-monetary laundering and fraud detection, which is becoming increasingly important given the significant amount of data generated by billions of daily online transactions.

AI is transforming the field of anti-monetary laundering and fraud detection

Davide Martucci, Next Gate Tech, and Stéphane Royer, FundProcess, joined us and highlighted that while digitalisation within the front-office of the investment industry is fairly advance, the back-office risks lagging behind. Together they explored some options for further use of technology in this area.

Finally, Ken Van Eesbeek from Gambit discussed advances made in the robo-advisor space. Ken highlights that the industry has evolved from essentially discretionary management portfolios with clients delegating decisions towards the platform, to a hybrid platform including both the robo-advisor and the human touch.

To watch the full replay click here.
